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Leadership and Empowerment for Academic Partners (LEAP) Program


The Leadership and Empowerment for Academic Partners Program works with universities and other teaching institutions who want to enhance their leadership curricula and faculty leadership competencies. Whether teaching leadership per se, or fostering leadership as a competency within specific professions such as MBAs, engineers, or health personnel, the LEAP program designs curricula and co-delivers learning experiences that work for the local culture, sector, and community development needs.  


Innovations in Government (InnoGov) Program

Government organizations struggle with innovations because most bureaucracies are designed to maintain standard operating procedures and resist disruptive change. Inspired by GovLab which is hosted by the New York University and the MIT Media Lab, the InnoGov Program provides tools and a safe space for innovation work within government agencies, by collaborators in government as well as outside government. 


Research Fellowship Programs

Our research fellowship programs take researchers to the frontiers of what is known in the specific problems spaces.  Blending more traditional research methods with action-research and social labs, researchers build upon the latest insights and test new conceptual models.


Human Centered Design is often used as a methodology to foster empathy for those adversely affected by social problems, and as a way of comprehending complex, multi-disciplinary issues.

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